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  • 同济-科思创青年学者讲座:隧道结构混凝土3D打印



  • 同济-科思创杰出学者讲座:Tetraphenylethylene (TPE) – based macrocycles and oligomers: (anti) aromaticity and Kondo physics


    In the first part of this talk, I will present the synthesis of four-, six- and eight-membered tetraphenylethylene (TPE)-based macrocycles on Ag(111) via on-surface Ullmann coupling reactions. Their unique chemical and physical properties, such as intrinsic inner cavities and aromaticity/antiaromaticity make these systems appealing building blocks for functional supramolecular materials. The as-synthesized macrocycles are spontaneously segregated on the surface and self-assemble as large-area two-dimensional mono-component supramolecular crystals. Combined in-situ characterized by scanning tunneling spectroscopic and computational analysis evidence that the macrocycles undergo structural and orbital symmetry breaking due to extended conjugation in the macrocycles. In the second part, I will show that TPE-based oligomers containing open-shell radicals represent a unique platform for exploring the quantum critical point in Kondo systems. The competition of inter-radical antiferromagnetic coupling and the Kondo screening leads to Kondo chains, which offers opportunities to realize artificial heavy fermion systems using organic radicals.

  • Chemical Science主编报告


    In her presentation, she will provide an overview of the Royal Society of Chemistry with a focus on journals portfolio particularly Chemical Science. As the flagship journal of the RSC, Chemical Science is also open access and free to publish. The presentation will include details about the journal scope and requirements, advice for authors on how to prepare your research for publication, as well as tips on promoting your research and how the RSC can help support this.

  • 学术报告


    面向重大需求的下一代电池技术与智慧管理方法 电化学储能因其清洁、高效、可移动分布等特点,已逐渐成为碳达峰、碳中和背景下的新型储能技术的典型代表。目前面向重大需求的下一代电池技术的主要发展方向包括高安全、长续航、高功率、极端工况和微型化等。然而,随着锂电池性能的不断提升,安全可靠性问题日益突出,亟待发展高可靠的本征安全电池技术与智慧管理方法。针对这一挑战,报告人将结合国家重大需求背景,从材料、电极、电芯等跨尺度角度,阐述下一代电池技术的发展方向。同时,聚焦电池在多物理工况下的失效特征,利用先进的大科学装置,结合时间、空间、能量等变量条件,直观、多维地揭示多应力环境下电池的失效模式,阐明其与电池安全之间的构效关系,并提供有效的电池智慧管理与运维策略,为本征安全的下一代电池提供全新的设计思路。

  • 同济-科思创杰出学者讲座:Development of iron-rich cements from steel slags: understanding the ferrite clinker phase


    中国以及全球的基础建设均依赖于水泥和钢铁两大关键材料。水泥生产过程中的资源、能源及碳排放密集性突显了其对生态可持续转型的迫切需求。中国年产钢材约1亿吨,同时会产生约1.5亿吨钢铁副产品,如何对这些固废进行有效的管理及利用对提高资源利用效率和避免因其填埋而导致的生态环境的破坏显得尤为重要。现在仅有80%的钢渣得到了有效的利用,且大多用于充当骨料这类低值产品。钢渣的化学组成和矿物组成的多样性导致其对材料性质的影响具有不具可预测性。 中国的水泥行业年二氧化碳排量放超过1亿吨,原材料消耗超过2亿吨。钢渣中含有生产水泥熟料所需的关键元素(如钙、硅、铝等),并且含有较高比例的铁(Fe)及其他微量元素(如Mn、Ti、Mg、Cr、Zn等),因此有望替代自然原材料。此外,钢渣的加入提高了水泥中铁铝酸钙相(Ca2Fe2-xAlxO5,0 < x < 1.4)的含量,而对于铁铝酸钙相在水泥生产过程中及使用后期的化学反应的研究仍然有限。本次讲座旨在探讨如何提升钢渣的利用率以及提高其在可持续水泥熟料中的利用。

  • 同济-科思创杰出学者讲座:有机分子电催化转化


    有机电催化转化,是利用电催化的手段,通过催化剂与有机分子(包括气体小分子)之间的电子相互作用,降低反应活化能,从而加快有机物转化反应的过程。因为与传统有机反应相比具有高效绿色的优点,近几年来有机电催化转化在能源,环境,医药,化工等领域有着重要发展。我们课题组近期在有机电催化转化方向开展了部分工作,主要集中在“气体小分子耦合的有机电催化合成”、“亲核有机小分子的电催化氧化”及“生物质平台衍生物的转化升级”等几个方面。研究工作首次在常温常压条件下利用电催化技术将惰性分子耦合转化为有机分子;揭示了亲核有机分子在镍基催化剂上的反应机理, 提出了有机分子电催化转化中的非电化学过程,解析了有机分子电催化转化过程中的反应路径并用以设计高附加值目标分子;设计了系列高性能电催化剂,实现了生物质的高效绿色转化。这些工作对于进一步扩展有机电催化反应底物,明确催化机理,实现有机物可控精准合成等具有重要的指导意义。

  • 同济-科思创青年学者讲座:Structural evolution and mechanistic study of energy materials by Synchrotron X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy


    Developing more advanced in situ or in operando characteristic techniques for gauging the kinetic and dynamic evolution of electronic structure, phase, interfacial phenomena, strain and morphology as well as catalytic reaction mechanisms of energy materials under the operation of electrochemical reaction or synthesis conditions is crucial and inevitable to the future study. Main topics including the interfacial phenomena of strong metal-support interaction (SMSI), in situ reactions, and the catalytic energy conversion reaction (ECR) and fading mechanisms of nano-catalysts for fuel cells and water splitting application are addressed. Recent advances in the application of in situ/operando techniques for characterization of SACs including Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Spherical Aberration Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (Cs-corrected STEM) and Quick X-ray absorption spectroscopy (Quick-XAS) has applied to single-atom system as an advanced technique for capturing the reaction dynamics, distinguishing the metal active sites and more in-depth electronic state of the catalytic at atom scale.

  • 同济-科思创青年学者讲座:金属矿山固废充填材料与关键技术创新思考



  • 同济-科思创杰出学者讲座:Formation and switching of charge density waves in 2D materials


    Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) host a plethora of exotic ground states such as superconductivity, Mott insulator, and charge density wave (CDW) states. Unlike the one-dimensional case of CDWs, a typical manifestation of Peierls distortion, understanding the origin of CDWs in two and three-dimensional materials is compounded by other mechanisms such as q-dependent electron-phonon coupling or excitonic CDW. Besides the highly fundamental interest in understanding these fascinating electronic structures, the control of CDW phases can be exploited for various applications such as oscillators and data storage. In that respect, intercalated compounds represent an interesting solution to modify CDW phases. Also, in cases of coexisting multiple CDW states in a material, the question of whether switching between these CDWs can be manipulated or controlled has been studied less. In this seminar, Prof. Dappe will present recent experimental and theoretical results on the formation, trough alkali intercalation, and manipulation using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) tip, of CDW phases in 2D materials. He will show how it is possible to induce transitions and to manipulate CDW phases, leading to potential applications.

  • 同济-科思创青年学者讲座:异相光催化精准合成化学



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