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名    称: 同济-科思创杰出学者讲座
姓    名: 刘润辉
会议主题: 德才馆441
预约日期: 2024-06-13
开始时间: 14:00
结束时间: 15:30
地    点: 嘉定校区德才馆 主讲人照片
主讲人简介: 刘润辉,教授、获国家杰出青年科学基金资助。2009年在美国普渡大学化学系获博士学位;2009年至2014年先后在美国加州理工学院和威斯康星大学-麦迪逊开展博士后研究;2014年底至今任华东理工大学教授。研究模拟多肽的氨基酸聚合物在生物材料和生物医药领域应用,致力于解决耐药微生物感染及植入材料生物相容性的挑战。近5年作为通讯作者在Science Adv.、Nat. Commun.(5篇;入选编辑推荐亮点1篇,1篇Highlighted by BioCentury Innovations,1篇Highlighted by Extracellular Matrix News as TOP STORY)、J. Am. Chem. Soc.(5篇)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(5篇;VIP论文2篇、1篇hot paper、高被引论文2篇)、Adv. Mater.、J. Med. Chem.(2篇)、Adv. Sci.(2篇)、Adv. Funct. Mater.(3篇,1高被引论文)发表论文70余篇。成果入选华东理工大学首届年度十大学术进展。曾入选国家海外青年人才引进计划、东方学者、上海青年优秀学术带头人、霍尼韦尔学者、2019中国生物材料学会生物医用高分子材料分会优秀青年奖。
报告内容简介: Natural proteins/peptides possess important biological functions and are widely studied for biomedical and tissue engineering applications. However, their drawbacks such as intolerance to enzymatic degradation, expensiveness and difficulty for large-scale synthesis limit the practical application. We hypothesize that synthetic polymers can mimic the sequence defined natural peptides to obtain important biological functions. We establish water-tolerant, fast and controllable polymerization method for convenient and scalable synthesis of amino acid polymers. By introducing unnatural amino acids, the resulting polymers resist proteolysis and have stable biological functions. Our recent studies demonstrate that our polymeric strategy is valid to mimic different types of natural peptides. By mimicking extra cellular matrix peptides, we discover amino acid polymers that promote osteoblast adhesion comparable to the gold standard RGD peptide, and show excellent in vivo bone repair function. By mimicking host defense peptide (HDP), we find polymers that have potent activity against drug-resistant bacteria and drug-resistant fungi, as well as low hemolysis and low cytotoxicity. The optimal antimicrobial polymers are comparable to, or even superior to, the performance of current antimicrobial drugs both in vitro and in vivo. Notably, these HDP-mimicking polymers don’t cause resistance in bacteria and fungi after continuous use. These studies indicate that peptide-mimicking polymers can have a wide range of applications as the next generation bioactive materials.





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