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名    称: 同济-科思创杰出学者讲座
姓    名: Christiane Rößler
会议主题: 德才馆328
预约日期: 2024-10-11
开始时间: 10:00
结束时间: 11:30
地    点: 嘉定校区德才馆 主讲人照片
主讲人简介: Christiane Rößler,博士,德国魏玛包豪斯大学F. A. Finger建筑材料研究所电镜中心主任。Christiane博士一直致力于水泥化学研究,擅长采用各类电镜(nanoSEM、cryo-FIB-SEM、EBSD等)表征水泥基材料微纳结构,相关成果发表在Cement and Concrete Research、Cement and Concrete Composites、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of Microscopy等期刊,迄今发表学术论文百余篇。
报告内容简介: The demands on modern building materials are constantly increasing. Innovative solutions produce a multitude of binders and concretes that often have a very complex, multiscale heterogeneous composition. Multi-scale imaging of structural characteristics is still a challenge but will provide basic understanding of essential material properties. Over centuries scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been applied to character-ize unhydrated and hydrated cements as well as concretes. Continuous development of microscopes soft- and hardware steadily gives new insights into the materials microstructure. Here we give an overview of current characterization possibilities such as high-resolution chemical-crystallographic analysis in the SEM using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) in combination with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), 3D imaging in the SEM using focused ion beam (FIB) serial sectioning and image reconstruction, cryo-FIB-SEM as well as high resolution imaging on argon broad ion beam (BIB) sectioned surfaces.





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